Jun 27, 2024
View and reply to Discussions in Plain
If you’re a frequent flyer of our changelog, you’ll have noticed we’ve been shipping updates to discussions over the past few weeks. June shall forever be known as “discussion month” at Plain, because we’ve got another one for you today.
This week, we’ve released the ability to view and reply to discussions – directly in Plain.

We initially launched discussions to make it easier for you to collaborate in Plain. We followed-up last week with allowing you to start discussions directly in Plain, and from this week, you can fully lead discussions from within Plain without having to jump back and forward from Slack.
Speed up your workflow by starting, replying to, and viewing discussions without ever leaving Plain. To view and reply to a discussion, just hit “discussion in #channel” on the sidebar and – like magic – you can collaborate with your teammates immediately. We’ve also introduced rich text formatting to discussions so you can respond in the format you need to.
You can now copy a link to a specific Slack message from any slack message in Plain.
When you create a linear issue, it’s description is now pre-filled with the Thread's description (if you’ve enabled AI generated descriptions in your workflow settings)
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug which would cause 2 slack messages which are days apart being incorrectly grouped in Plain when using AI ingestion.
Fixed a bug where snoozing would sometimes fail due to a rounding error. Time math is hard.
Fixed a bug that was causing very long search terms from erroring.
Designed, built and written by

Preslav Mihaylov

Kate Donnellan
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