Aug 7, 2024
Thread fields reporting

Earlier this year we announced thread fields – allowing you to customize the data stored on a thread object to your liking.
Today, we’ve added the ability to filter reporting on boolean and enum thread fields in your team’s insights tab. You now have access to a breakdown of your thread fields across all possible values, and can dig into a specific field/value combination to check out how your support team is handling those requests.
With today’s launch, you can learn about your first response times, next response times, resolution times, and more – per thread field.
If you don’t currently use thread fields in Plain, you can utilize thread fields AI to start creating these key insights for your team, without your team having to fill them out per thread.
We’ve updated our ingestion modes to allow your customers to decide which threads should be ingested to Plain, by reacting with emojis to their own messages.
Bug Fixes
When attachments or images are deleted in Slack, we now also delete them permanently from Plain.
Designed, built and written by

Jordan Drake

Kate Donnellan
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