Dec 22, 2023
Out of office

Few features are better suited to a final changelog before the holidays than this latest release. You can now set an auto-reply message in Plain.
Enabling the auto-reply feature will send a message of your choosing to any newly created threads. Use it to let your customers know what to expect during the holiday period, to manage expectations whenever you're experiencing high volume, or just to let customers know you've got their message.
The message can be configured by Admins only, and will only get sent once to the very first message in a thread. Try it out now in Settings → Auto-reply.
Thank you for following us along on our changelog, and for using Plain. Happy holidays and see you in 2024!
What's new
Plain now supports emojis in the composer 🎉. You can now access them by either typing
or hitting the 😃 icon in the composer bar.
Linear: When creating a Linear issue, we now default to the last team you used
Linear: When creating a Linear issue, you can now set the status of the issue (e.g. Todo)
Workflow: When you Snooze a thread and pick a duration, this is now saved for next time, allowing you to do a one-click snooze
Workflow: When you mark a customer as spam, you are now automatically moved on to the next customer
Workflow: You can now customise the mark as done shortcut to change it to be cmd + e (if you find e too error prone)
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug where pressing
from a thread you'd found through search would not redirect you to back to the search resultsFixed a bug where the
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button on en email would sometimes not show any more contentWhen you mark a customer as helped from the queue, we now play the "Mark as helped" sound. If you haven't tried it yet, find it in Settings. 🎵
Designed, built and written by

Andrew Blaney

Jordan Drake
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