Nov 1, 2024

Multiple assignees

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We’ve launched multiple assignees, giving you the ability to add a lead assignee and co-assignees to threads. This was a highly-requested feature from lots of our existing customers – and it gives you the ability to collaborate better than before on support requests. 

Why is this useful? 

Improved collaboration 
Need to pull an engineer into a support request? Co-assign them so they get notified about updates, and so you can continue to keep track of the thread while they’re working on a fix. 

Clearer ownership of threads 
Are handovers and communication unclear between sales, success, and support? Assign a lead to the owner of the request, and make sure the relevant team members have continued visibility. 

Faster response times 
Clearer assignment = faster response times for your customers. Make sure the team that needs to help on a request is assigned from the get-go, and resolve issues faster than before. 

Notifications for co-assignees will work exactly the same as assignees – you’ll get the same notification if you’re assigned as a lead or co-assignee. 

Any thread you are assigned or co-assigned to will appear as usual in your “your threads” queue. The view sorting isn’t dependent on whether you’re a lead or not – it’ll only depend on the sorting (e.g. priority) you’ve chosen. 

Co-assignees are available now on all plans – let us know if you have any questions or feedback.

What's new

  • You can now use labels as a condition for auto-responses

  • Shipped the ability to view attachment previews in threads 

  • You can now link a Company to a Slack channel 

  • Introduced “Chat” as a new support channel condition for workflow rules 

  • Introduced the ability to add a note as a workflow rule action

  • Auto-responses are now available for chat 

  • You can now also add a customer to a customer group as a rule action

  • Introduced a new Tenant page


  • The Slack notification thread status is now a dropdown (instead of a button) 

  • Discussions now has a keyboard shortcut – just hit “D” to start a Discussion on a thread

Designed, built and written by

Elise Bach
