Mar 20, 2023
Issue Filtering and Issue Icons

You can now set your own icons for issue types. To do so, head to Settings -> Issue Types, and you can choose from a variety of icons (our personal favorites are the 🍪 and the 🐷). We’ll be adding icons to this list, so let us know if there is something specific you want to see.
Improved the empty state when a customer has no open issues.
Visually improved how issue priorities are displayed for better clarity.
Improved documentation of Webhooks for event payloads.
Improved documentation of error codes to be clearer and more comprehensive, even of rare edge cases.
You can now click on an open (non-deleted) issue in the timeline to open up the issue panel in the sidebar.
Made it clearer in the UI that notes are not visible by customers.
Improved handling of Linear issues within Plain when you have not connected your Linear account.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug which sometimes resulted in the back button from the customer page not consistently taking you back to the correct customer queue for customers with more than one workspace.
Fixed a bug which allowed you to link a Linear issue to a Plain issue multiple times.
Fixed a bug which resulted in rare cases of receiving duplicate notifications when using custom timeline entries to make a customer active.
Fixed a bug which meant we were not showing the customer’s external id correctly in the side panel.
Fixed a bug which resulted in customer card content sometimes causing the row component to visually break.
Fixed a bug which meant that the composer didn’t grow vertically, making it hard to write long emails.
Designed, built and written by

Mitchell Petrie
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