Feb 17, 2023
Events API

Today we are releasing a new Events API that allows you to log key events in your own product within Plain. This enables you to offer support more quickly and with the full context of what happened and why.
There are two types of events, customer events and thread events.
Customer events
Customer events let you add context about a customer to all new and existing threads. These events will be shown in the customer’s threads when you are helping them.
For example, let’s say you have an API as part of your product. You could log usage limits being hit within Plain. When one of your customers gets in touch about their API calls 403, you will immediately have all the context you need in Plain to help them.

Thread events
Thread events allow you to add context to a specific thread. Unlike customer events, thread events are only visible in the thread you specify.
For example, if a thread is created about an invoice - any updates to that payment could be logged to the thread so that you have the full history of what happened when helping a customer without leaving Plain.

Events make it possible for you to stay in the flow when helping customers without having to switch tabs and piece together what happened manually.
For the full documentation on how events work, check out our docs:
Improvements to Insights dashboard - Last week, we released an Insights dashboard, which shows you activity across your workspace. This week, we've made the dashboard clickable so that you can filter down to specific threads
Designed, built and written by

Andrew Blaney

Matt Vagni
Co-founder & CTO
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