Now, the nerdy bit - this is a breakdown of the exact metrics we show in Reporting and how they’re calculated. Note - All metrics can also be broken down by Channel, Company, Group, Label, Priority and Tier.

Support volume

Queue sizeA snapshot of the number of threads in todo over time, updating hourly.
New threads created per dayA count of new threads being created.
Threads re-opened per dayA count of threads that transition back to Todo from either Snoozed or Done.
Threads moved to Done per dayA count of threads transitioned to Done.
Messages sent per userA count of messages sent by each user.

First response time

First response time - MedianThe median time it takes for your team to send the first reply.
First response time - 90th percentileThe 90th percentile time it takes for your team to send the first reply for support requests that start off slower.

Resolution time

Resolution time - MedianThe median time between the first inbound message and the last outbound message for threads marked as Done.
Resolution time - 90th percentileThe 90th percentile time between the first inbound message and the last outbound message for threads marked as Done.

Customer waiting time

Customer waiting time - MedianThe median time a thread was in a Todo status.
Customer waiting time - 90th percentileThe 90th percentile time a thread was in Todo status