To connect your Salesforce account, head to SettingsSalesforce importer and follow the instructions. It will take a couple of clicks.

When you connect your Salesforce account with Plain, we will import:

  • all your contacts as Plain customers
  • the accounts linked to those contacts as Plain tenants

After you connect for the first time, we will import all your existing data. From that point, any new connection or account that you create in your Salesforce account, will be automatically synced into Plain.

The data created through the Salesforce importer will not trigger any webhooks or auto-responders.

To stop syncing data from Salesforce, click on Disconnect in SettingsSalesforce importer.

The following rules apply while syncing data from Salesforce:

  • if a customer or tenant is modified on Plain (e.g. changing their name) after syncing them from Salesforce, further syncs from Salesforce will not override your changes on Plain
  • if a contact is added to an account in Salesforce, we will add the customer to the corresponding tenant in Plain
  • if a contact is removed from an account in Salesforce, we will not remove the customer from the corresponding tenant in Plain