Threads are the core of Plain’s data model and equivalent to tickets or conversations in other support platforms. When you use Plain to help a customer you assign yourself to a thread and then mark the thread as Done once you’re done helping.

Threads are automatically created when a new email is received but can also be created via the API (when a customer submits a contact form for example).

Threads have a status and can be assigned to multiple users.

Threads belong to one customer but can contain multiple email threads and customers.

An example thread looks like this:

The below is only showing a subset fields a thread has. Since our API is a GraphQL API you decide which fields you need when you make API requests. Use our API explorer to discover the full schema of threads.

  "id": "th_01HAP6DFA5KMKH8JNEWM0CSKCH",

  // If you create a thread via the API you can set this id for joining
  //threads in Plain back to something in your system:
  "externalId": null,

  "title": "Account access",
  "previewText": "Hi there could you please help me access my account, when I try to log in i get the error...",

  "customer": {
    "id": "c_01GPBNF06KX5Q3W7JYJN86H091",
    "fullName": "Sam Test",
    "email": {
      "email": ""
    // Many more fields here, this is the full customer.

  // Lower priority means more urgent (0-3) where 0 is "Urgent" and 3 is "Low"
  "priority": 2,

  // One of "TODO", "SNOOZED" or "DONE"
  "status": "SNOOZED",
  "statusChangedAt": {
    "iso8601": "2023-10-04T09:03:47.275Z"

  "labels": [
      "id": "l_01HB8BVMQXTXF1W1J94GGN7XRD",
      "labelType": {
        "id": "lt_01HB8BTN5S8NAJGSNC3NJZ7FV4",
        "name": "Bug report"
      "id": "l_01HB8BWW4DSDZJVGJWC825X5YH",
      "labelType": {
        "id": "lt_01HB81HYXZ2B8QGYCH5YG1AGM8",
        "name": "Account setup"