We provide a number of methods for fetching customers:

  1. Get customers (To fetch more than one customer at a time)
  2. Get customer by ID
  3. Get customer by email

All of these endpoints require the following permissions:

  • customer:read

Get customers

Our API allows you to fetch customers as a collection using getCustomers in our SDKs or the customers query in GraphQL. In both cases this endpoint supports Pagination.

This is a very flexible endpoint which supports a variety of options for filtering and sorting, for full details try our API explorer or Typescript SDK.

import { PlainClient } from '@team-plain/typescript-sdk';

const client = new PlainClient({ apiKey: 'plainApiKey_xxx' });

const res = await client.getCustomers({
  first: 50,
  filters: { isMarkedAsSpam: false },
  sortBy: { field: CustomersSortField.FullName, direction: SortDirection.Asc },

if (res.error) {
} else {

Get customer by ID

If you already have the ID of a customer from within Plain or one of our other endpoints you can fetch more details about them using getCustomerById in our SDKs or the customer query in GraphQL.

import { PlainClient } from '@team-plain/typescript-sdk';

const client = new PlainClient({ apiKey: 'plainApiKey_xxx' });

const res = await client.getCustomerById({
  customerId: 'c_01H14DFQ4PDYBH398J1E99TWSS',

if (res.error) {
} else {

Get customer by email

To fetch a customer by email you can use getCustomerByEmail in our SDKs or the customerByEmail query in GraphQL.

import { PlainClient } from '@team-plain/typescript-sdk';

const client = new PlainClient({ apiKey: 'plainApiKey_xxx' });

const res = await client.getCustomerByEmail({ email: 'bob@example.com' });

if (res.error) {
} else {