Within Plain every customer can belong to one company. The company is infered automatically using the customer’s email address. For example if their email address ends with “@nike.com” then their company will be automatically set to “Nike”.

Companies allow you to prioritise and filter your support requests.

Additionally tiers and SLAs can be associated with a company.

What's the difference between companies and tenants?

Companies are typically a human concept which although useful for support has no corresponding entity in your database. Tenants on the other hand should 1:1 correspond with your tenants in your product/database.

So, for example, if within your product a user can be part of multiple workspaces then a customer could have the company "Acme" and also be part of two tenants such as: "acme_prod" and "acme_dev" (or "acme_marketing" and "acme_sales" etc.).